Friday, September 24, 2010

Chocolate Hazelnut Scones-the Hazelnuts!

Scones Anyone? This week I had a craving for scones-so I got out my Barcomi Book and tried one her recipes.

Chocolate Hazelnut Scones were the ones! Unfortunately I did not have any Hazelnuts in the house, so I just omitted them from the recipe--still tasted good!

Since I am still fighting a lousy cold, I am not up to translating the recipe for you today-please feel free to email should you like the recipe-or you can find it in the book--"Cynthia Barcomi´s Backbuch"-a must for any collection


Have a wonderful weekend and if you get a chance  please stop by the other foodies among us!


  1. Your Kitchen Aid reminded me of another blogger's post I read recently (Bill at Affordable Accoutrements) where he talked about what a great mixer it is. When my college friend returned from Germany for Junior Year Abroad (circa 1976) she brought me back a jar of Nutella. I've been a fan ever since.

  2. Almonds are one of the healthiest nuts and packed with vitamins and minerals. Do you want to buy almonds online? You can order almonds at Allnuts! Almonds are among the best known types of nuts that exist. These nuts are used in pastries, cookies and of course also in sugar. Most people are therefore able to recognize these notes by their color and their shape. In addition to whole fruits, almond powder and almond flakes are often used. Amandelen

  3. Cashew nuts are packed with antioxidants and stimulate the immune system. Want to buy jecashew nuts online? Order cashew nuts at Allnuts of course! Everyone knows these wonderfully healthy nuts. They stand out because of their specific kidney shape and have long been used as "cocktail nuts". When we buy cashew nuts, these are usually peeled. In the natural form, the nuts are covered by a woody peel. This has a brown-gray color and feels smooth. Cashew nuts grow on the cashmere tree, which some people also call acajuu tree or elephant lock tree. This tree originally only grew in the Caribbean, Central America and in the North of Brazil. This distribution area was later extended to India, Brazil, Nigeria, Mozambique, Indonesia and Tanzania. Cashewnoten



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